My busy hoomans! How could they forget that my barkday happens EVERY April!
To make it up, I've been getting extra hugs, extra treats....
And promisses of another summer of cherished trips to this roots!
Back under the moons of 2009 my soon-to-be hoomans camped at one of their all time favorite places, below the Sierra Buttes, at Sardine Lakes.
In the Spring of 2009 my soon-to-be hoomans had heavy hearts .....they had said goodbye to Golden Honey a constant companion for almost 14 years.
And, on this one trip to the area, they discovered a special property...went for a visit...and with big silly smiles....
Met some very cute, smart and fun pups!
Furmom and furdad, River and Trip greeted my soon-to-be hoomans at their Plumas County property in the Sierra Nevada's...bordered by Forest Service land and within a short walk to the Feather River.
My soon-to-be hoomans made a number of camping trips to the area, and though all my siblings were sweet and cute...they picked me!
Late Spring 2009 it was time to head out in to my new life of adventures!
And, on this one trip to the area, they discovered a special property...went for a visit...and with big silly smiles....
Furmom and furdad, River and Trip greeted my soon-to-be hoomans at their Plumas County property in the Sierra Nevada's...bordered by Forest Service land and within a short walk to the Feather River.
And...well...this story isn't just about me... River is due with her second litter SOON!
The most amazing furs, and sparkling eyes.