Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Time to catch up....

New Year's Day has come and gone... Time is moving so quickly these days...just sitting down to catch up.
New Year's Eve we headed from our Silver Lake Snowshoe, over the Carson Spur and rolled on in to the Kirkwood area.
Bonfire raging, New Year's Eve revelers gathering.
The traditional torchlight parade down the ski hill dazzled us once again.
A fine way to celebrate...fireworks and all....(not fond of the firework kabooms, I hung back and stayed cozy in the camper.) New Year's Day dawned a stormy one and continued through the weekend...yet I was always ready for games and snow time no matter what the weather offered.
Sunday afternoon we carefully wound our way down the mountain toward home.
The days that followed have provided busy schedules and heartfelt news...
Tears with the passing of
Sweet Golden Boy Luke. A cherished pal, who will remain in our hearts forever.
Run Free and out of pain my friend.Just as the brook below turns and changes, so do strange events at home.
Sammie and Avalon's sweet kitty, Ozzie had a mysterious incident. We know Ozzie is tough and hope for a succesful surgery tommorrow and a quick recovery.
As we gathered round the mountain campfire, so to speak, on weekends that we do make it to this snowy place, there are always friends checking in with job and family changes, and onward adventures. Sometimes great news, sometimes not.Then, back to town and back to busy for us. I have been spending quite a few days with my pals at Camp K-9... and always happy at the end of each day, to be back home for a warm greeting and great snacks from mom and dad... Tired and thankful for rest. A nap and moment of silence.
For I shall smile at you again soon. See you in a blink my friends. Zzzzzzzzz.


  1. An end to a wonderful and beautiful vacation for you, Sierra Rose!
    Our paws are crossed for Ozzie.

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. You are so busy! What a fabulous globe trotter life you have!! Thanks for the pretty piktures, and dude, that's A LOT of snow!!

  3. The torch parade is very cool. Was that a wall of snow you were driving beside?!! Yikes. We just got about a foot here and I'm freaking out. You are right about how life changes. I think God put us here to comfort each other with the comfort the He gives us.
    I see Sierra likes to eat snow like our pack does. She is such a darling,, and so photogenic.
    Blessed New Year to you all.

  4. Siewwa Wose
    So good to see you again. That special NewYeaws cewemony on the mountain wif the towches must be vewy vewy special.
    I miss sweet Luke too, but know we will all meet again , pain fwee and young.
    Many of the things that change bweak my heawt and sometimes Mommmi says we should stop blogging cause it huwts too much, but missing my fwiends would huwt's a dilema
    smoochie kisses

  5. It looks like a wonderful trip! We love camping in the winter.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  6. When we lived in Alaska I can remember seeing a couple of torchlight parades--They really are so beautiful to see! I'm glad you're having a good time--Fresh air and fun really does wear you out, doesn't it?

  7. Woof! Woof! Happy New Year! What a FUN Snowy trip you had. Got about 6 inches of snow and YES more to come this weekend. Now that you are back home, I'll be thinking of you when I play in the snow. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. We love vacations in the camper - and we love snow - so it looks like you had the perfect combination,

  9. Looks like the snow is extra deep! I am sure you are loving every minute of it :)

    Wags N Kisses,

  10. You are so sweeeeeeeeeet, Sierra! The places you go are so beautiful... and peaceful - aren't "things" in snow quiet? You look so happy there and we know your pawrents love it too! Hope we can get together this season and go back to the snowshoe place!
    Big Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon and Oz too!

  11. What a great adventure! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  12. Well, Sierra Rose - I know Kirkwood well - I once rode my bike from CO to CA, and we made an overnight stop there. It was in April - the last day of skiing at Kirkwood. The photos of your adventures are spectacular. Happy homecoming. Have fun with your pals.

  13. Thanks for sharing all those pictures, Sierra Rose!
    Yes. The torch parade sure was awesome, right?
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  14. Wow I thought we had a lot of snow! You go snow camping! The pictures are amazing Sierra. Thanks for posting them.


  15. I would love to see that parade, what a beautiful thing! The snow height along the side of the road is incredible!!

  16. You've been having a blast Sierra - I can tell from those photos, ending with the contented canine snooze. What wonderful winter wonderlands you get to visit!

  17. Your pack sure does know how to partay Sierra! I'm sorry to hear about your pal Luke, I'm sure he is with Honey now and they are havin' themselves a real good time.

    I have major drool runnin' as I look at you chewin' on that bully stick - and it's not just 'cuz of the stick. It's 'cuz you look mighty sweet too!

    Woofs and major sticky slobbers,
    Chester ;0=)

  18. You always have the greatest adventures! We love the skiers coming down the hill!


  19. YOU GUYS HAVE SO MUCH FUN! I read your blog and feel like the most boring person ever LOL

  20. Wow, so much white stuff!! It looks cooooold! Woofs & hugs! ~Bailey

  21. The new year has started off with a bang for you! Many zzzzzz's I suspect after Camp Day Care usually zonks me out as well...Cheers!

  22. Time for me to catch up, too! With blogs, that is. Love the last sweet picture of Sierra Rose--such a tired puppy after that BIG bully stick!!


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