Thursday, June 11, 2009

When we were young........

Everyone in! Let's eat! Food pile up.....and some sleepy heads.... Slurp...slurp...slurp.......!
Sibbling buddies....

Yoga....feet to nose.....


  1. Hi Sierra Rose,
    What a pretty name and your birth home of Maybe looks beautiful. I live in California too........but we have mostly concrete. I like seeing the photos of you and your siblings. I have 3 sisters and 4 brothers. In my new home I am the only one so I get a lot of attention.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Oh Sierra Rose! Welcome to the world! And welcome to the especially wonderful world that your new parents will introduce to you! I feel like a new Auntie! You will be having a very adventuresome life and experience so many new things that there will be LOTS to blog about! Can't wait to meet you, sweet Sierra Rose!
    Hugs and Love xo

  3. And... it may seem a little early, but your new blog is so creative that we wanted to give you this award that you can pick up at my place!
    Hugs xo

  4. Awww, Sierra Rose
    You and your siblings are adorable!
    I found your blog at Sammie´s blog and I wanted to come and say hi.
    I´m looking forward to reading your adventures. I like your blog.


  5. those are some good lookin' little puppies...

    super cutes...


  6. Heya SR,
    Welcome to the blogosphere. We apologize for being late making our introductions. We are big fan's of Golden Honey's. You "Maybe" little now, but you'll get big soon enough. Our puppy, Radar, is getting really big now; he was born Jan 25th. You sure are a beautiful little girls. We'll be keeping our eyes on y'all. Welcome, welcome, welcome.
    - The Bumpass Hounds and Kitties


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